before your appointment
Avoid Botox and fillers around the lip area.
Avoid Glycolic acid, chemical peels, and laser
treatments on the faceAvoid Retinols and anti-aging creams eg. Retin
Avoid all facials, bleaching treatments, or
waxings around the lip areaAvoid extensive sun exposure and sunburn on
the face
Avoid Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Naproxen
(Tylenol/Acetaminophen is ok to consume) and
blood thinning medication/supplementsIf any of the above are taken for medical
purposes, please consult with your physician.Avoid marijuana and smoking
Keep your lips well hydrated with a good lip
Avoid alcohol and caffeine
Gently exfoliate your lips 2 days prior to your
procedure, 2x/day (you could use sugar and
coconut oil mixture for a natural exfoliate)Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water
after your appointment
Only use the provided ointment on your lips and gently apply with a clean q-tip a very light layer as needed for 7 days to help moisturize. Only a very thin layer is needed to allow the lip skin to breathe.
Gently dab your lips with the provided cotton to remove any lymph fluid for the FIRST 5 hours only. This fluid will cause scabbing - meaning less retention so make sure to dab it off!
If a little pigment comes off onto the gauze don’t worry, it’s completely normal.
If you should experience swelling, an ice pack may be applied using a thin protective barrier such as a paper towel. Icing is most effective in the first 24 hours following the procedure. If your lips are really sore or swollen, you can take a pain reliever or anti-inflammatory medication like Advil or a more natural alternative like arnica pills.
Change your face masks frequently
Blot with a tissue, don’t rub during healing
Drink through a straw until the peeling is complete
Gently apply with a clean q-tip a very light layer of aftercare gel several times a day during the healing process to help moisturize. A very thin layer is used to allow the lip skin to breathe.
Use a clean, dark pillowcase to prevent possible ink stains, and try to sleep on your back as much as possible
Be careful when putting on or taking off clothes over the head
Use medication if necessary for cold sores
Stay out of direct sun exposure. Once healed, use a chapstick with SPF to help prevent loss of color
Perfecting/follow-up touch-up appointments should take place 6-8 weeks following the initial lip procedure (Dark lip neutralization can take 8+ weeks to fully heal)
Use a good quality lip balm with sunscreen on your lips daily (sunscreens with zinc or titanium dioxide as the first ingredients)
Please inform your technician and/or care provider of your permanent cosmetics with any future MRI scans, chemical peels, or laser procedures
Avoid touching lips with fingers
Avoid toothpaste on lips and use gentle dental care during the healing process
To avoid infection, do not kiss until the scabs have completely come off
No conventional lipstick be worn during the healing process nor any petroleum products
Do not pick or peel your lip skin
No smoking until fully healed
No soaps or alpha hydroxy’s until fully healed
Do not evaluate lip results until 21 days after the procedure
If you have any of the following medical conditions, please advise with your doctor first:
Eczema/Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Scarring, Autoimmune Diseases, Blood Disorders, Diabetes, Cancer, Bacterial Infections, Shingles/Cold Sores, History of Keloids
Cancer patients & pregnant women:
please consult with your physician first & receive a written clearance to get tattooed.Use of Retin A/Retinol/Tretinoin, chemical, acid peels, or any rapid skin exfoliation products used on or around the lip area will cause the permanent makeup of the lip area to fade prematurely
Allergic reactions: It may be rare but red pigments cause the most allergic reactions out of all colors. Spot testing will not be done at PMU Katalog due to the late reactions of the allergy. The skin may start itching and cracking for no reason starting 6 months to a year. If you’d like, you can spot test at an allergy center before you get your lips tattooed.
If you have ever had a cold sore, been prone to any type of cold sores (herpes simplex virus) or you may have the herpes simplex virus that lies dormant in your system, this procedure (specifically open wounds on the lip) could cause an outbreak. It is best to consult with your doctor and upon your doctor’s recommendation, take doctor-prescribed medication such as Acyclovir, Zovirax, or Valtrex before and after the lip procedure to help prevent or lessen the severity of an outbreak.